$15 Off On Order Over $100 Promo Code SAVE15
How do I place an order?
Step1: Log in to your account. If you are a new user, you may register as a member-free.
Step2: Browse for the item you wish to purchase by clicking the category list on the middle of the main page or searching by keyword in the search bar on the top right of the home page.
Step3: When you have found the item you wish to purchase, simply click "Add to Cart." You can view the cart to make sure the items you selected are there.
Step 4: When you are ready to purchase the items, click on the "Checkout" button on the top right of the page or the bottom of the shopping cart list. Then follow the steps given by entering your shipping and payment information.
How do I get my Tax invoice?
Once your payment has been confirmed by us, we will send the Tax Invoice to your billing email address. You can also get a copy of the Tax Invoice from "My Account".
Can I cancel or change my order once the order is confirmed?
You may cancel or change your order before payment. Orders are normally processed immediately after checkout. If you wish to change or cancel your order, be sure to email our support as soon as you can. Once the order has been shipped, you may not change or cancel your order.
Why would all the items in my shopping cart no longer become available when I check out?
Our stock is based on "first-come, first-served." If the item you wish to purchase goes "out of stock" before you checkout, that means someone else purchased the last of the stock before you.
Why would my order be canceled when I prepare to pay for my order?
Your order will be canceled and the item will be returned to our inventory if we were unable to confirm your payment within 2 business days after you place an order. Normally you will be notified by email if your order was canceled.
How do I check my order status?
Once we have dispatched your order, tracking information will then be sent to your billing email address, or you may find the tracking information from your Clatterans account.
Where can I find records of my previous orders?
Simply log into your Clatterans account, click on "My Account" and all of your previous orders will be displayed.
Why do I receive a different item to what I have ordered?
Oh no! This could have been an error made by the dispatch center. Please contact our support with your order number and we will gladly exchange the item for the one you ordered.
What happens if the item I wish to order is out of stock?
You can subscribe by clicking the "Notify Me When This Item Is Restocked" button. Once the item is in stock, you will receive a notification via email.
How to Find an Order ID

Log into My Account
Go to "Order History", and click SHOW ALL. Once you have confirmed which order you are referring to, the PID number and Order ID are shown under the "Products Ordered" column.